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Web Module


Creates the root application context based on the specified component.

const app = createApp( App );

See Mounting a Component for more information.


Mounts the component associated with the root application context as the child of the specified target element.

app.mount( target );

For example:

import { createApp } from 'leaner/web';

function App() {
  return [ 'div', { class: 'hello' },
    [ 'h1', 'Hello, world!' ],
    [ 'p', 'This is my first Leaner application.' ],

createApp( App ).mount( document.body );

See Mounting a Component for more information.


Destroys the component associated with the root application context.


See Mounting a Component for more information.


Registers a root-level dependency in the application context.

app.provide( key, value );

The dependency is available to all components in the application. For example:

import { createApp } from 'leaner/web';

const app = createApp( App );
app.provide( 'version', '1.0' );
app.mount( document.body );

The key can be a string or a symbol. The value can be of any type.

See Dependency Injection for more information.


Executes a callback in the root application context.

app.use( callback );

The callback can register lifecycle hooks and dependencies for the root application context.

See Plugins for more information.


Registers a callback to be executed after the component has been mounted.

onMount( callback );

The callback can be used to attach global event handlers and perform other initialization. For example:

import { onMount } from 'leaner/web';

onMount( () => {
  document.addEventListener( 'keydown', onKeyDown );
} );

function onKeyDown( e ) {
  // handle key

This method must be called in the component context or the root application context.

See Lifecycle Hooks for more information.


Registers a callback to be executed before the component is destroyed.

onDestroy( callback );

The callback can be used to detach global event handlers and perform other cleanup. For example:

import { onDestroy } from 'leaner/web';

onDestroy( () => {
  document.removeEventListener( 'keydown', onKeyDown );
} );

This method must be called in the component context or the root application context.

See Lifecycle Hooks for more information.


Register a dependency in the current context.

provide( key, value );

The dependency is available for all descendant components of the components in which it's registered. For example:

import { state } from 'leaner';
import { provide } from 'leaner/web';

function App() {
  const [ user, setUser ] = state( { name: 'John', age: 35 } );

  provide( 'user', user );

  return [ /* template */ ];

The key can be a string or a symbol. The value can be of any type. This method must be called in the component context or the root application context.

See Dependency Injection for more information.


Injects a dependency provided by an ancestor component or the root application context.

inject( key );

For example:

import { inject } from 'leaner/web';

function ChildComponent() {
  const user = inject( 'user' );

  return [ 'div', user.name ];

The key can be a string or a symbol. This method must be called in the component context or the root application context.

See Dependency Injection for more information.