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Conditionally creates or destroys child HTML elements or components.

[ 'if', condition, child ]
[ 'if', condition, child, elseChild ]
[ 'if', condition, child, condition2, child2 ]
[ 'if', condition, child, condition2, child2, elseChild ]

The conditions are reactive functions returning a boolean value. The children can be HTML elements, components or fragments. For example:

const [ visible, setVisible ] = state( true );

return [ 'if', visible, [ 'p', 'This is rendered conditionally.' ] ];

See Conditional Rendering for more information.


Creates multiple child HTML elements or components.

[ 'for', items, ( item, index ) => child ]

The first argument is a reactive function returning an array. The second argument is a function which returns the template for the given item.

const [ items, setItems ] = state( [ 'apple', 'orange', 'peach' ] );

return [ 'ul',
  [ 'for', items, item => [ 'li', item ] ],

See List Rendering for more information.


Creates a child HTML element or component of a dynamic type.

[ 'dynamic', tagOrComponent, props, children... ]

The first arguments is a reactive function returning a string representing the HTML tag or a function representing a component. The following arguments are optional properties and children passed to the element or component. For example:

const [ tag, setTag ] = state( 'p' );

return [ 'dynamic', tag, { class: 'dynamic-element' }, 'This tag is dynamic.' ];

See Dynamic Elements for more information.